Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Testosterone is the Poison Seed

Sorry to disilusion you, but you can´t "stop rape" because men have been raping women and little girls since the human race began. Did you romantic people think the ape-caveman brought flowers and invited women to candlelight dinners in their caves? No more than an ape does. When nature demanded sex, primitive meb diidn´t ask, they took, simply throwing the unlucky female to the ground and getting on with their testosterone needs. For lagniappe, like the Russian soldiers who "liberated" German cities after WW II, they also probably wrung their vicitms necks as lagniappe. Testosterone is the violence hormone. It´s not sexy. It demands sex and war, both based on the urge for violence..The woman´s reaction was not taken into account. It probably took quite a while before male violence and the female need for affection blended into what we think of as romance. Along with flowers and love songs, romance came much much later. Probably as much as a million or so years. Sex and breeding offspring were the original urges as they are with all earth creatures. I think the recent decrease in male testosterone which is panicking men worldwide is Nature´s way of rewarding men for all the billions of people they´ve killed in continual wars over thousands of years...and the untold numbers of women and children they´ve sexually violated. The Universe works slowly sometimes, but its Justice rolls around eventually and is inexorable.. Er... blacksocialist: The aim of men who rape women when the latter are sleeping, is to catch the women off guard. thereby making their criminal act easier to accomplish. DUH! They´re trying to avoid a struggle and make things easier for themselves, the cowardly beasts. Does it matter? Do you think it´s fairer or more moral for some beast to break into a woman´s home, and wake the woman up first to give her a fair chance to agree or fighr back? Where´s your logic? Share Benthead...great name! You can´t stop rape with reasoning. Men are bigger, more muscular and infintely stronger than women. Men make wars millennia after millennia. Men rape women because when they want sex, they take itl. They always have and always will. period. The Universe, Nature, God, whatever you want to call the force of Justice, is finally rolling around and taking care of it. Testosterone is the rape and war hormone, and now Nature´s decreasing it worldwide. There are no coincidences in the Universe- Justice is not accomplished by humans. It´s accomplished by the Universe itself... a system of energy that goes out and comes back to sender impersonally and inexorably. It make take many millennia but come back it will. . An old old saying puts it succinctly in many cultures, the bible and in books far older than the bible.: What you do does eventually come back to you. As you sow so shall you reap. Mystery Princess: It´s not an education issue. If you know anything about history it´s about women´s thousands of years without legal rights. Do you know anything about women´s history before the beginning of the 20th century? Women had NO legal rights until 1918 when the British and US Suffragettes fought, were ridiculed, arrested, imprisoned, and force fed when they went on hunger strikes to protest being imprisoned for fighting to have human rights. Finally in 1918 they were successful in achieving the right to vote and attend good universities...for the first time in female history!!! The only 2 countries that gave women rights in the early1900´s were, I recently learned, New Zealand and Finland. In ancient Egypt, women had some rights as well. But unitl 1918 women were only considered possessions of their fathers, brothers, uncles and husbands and could do nothing without a man´ s permission. They could be thrown into the street, put into a convent or worse if they refused to obey.1918!!! Not even 100 years ago. And now, in Spain, men are trying to make abortion illegal again! They won´t give up trying to control women´s lives. There are good, loving, understanding men, but worldwide, they are tragically, not the majority.Moslem men kill their own daughters and sisters if they dont marry the men their families intend them to. The whole world was based on that mentality before 1918, not as homicidal mentality,, but still a world where all women were man-controlled puppets.Learn your history! Sigh!!!! Georgia Peach! You have a name as innocent as your theory. One woman in 4 is raped every minute of the day everywhere in the world. A similar percentage of girls are raped by their own fathers, primarily and rthen by uncles or other family memebers or a known neighbor. Interpol spends much of its resources tracking down pedophile and pederast rings which destory millions of children worldwide. Men rape. Period. Even apparentlty good ones. The human race began by rape. There were no flowers and candle-lit dinners in the cave man´s world. Testosterone is the rape hormone. And since men are stronger and bigger, in some part of their minds, when they want it, they take it as their right and always have. It´s like business. In most business mentalities, playing money games with other people´s money, promising one thing and delivering another, cheating and stealing are considered fair tactics of the game for riches and success. If you rhink any businss is really successful outside of these rules...I have a bridge in Brooklyn I´d like to sell you. Morality and the rules of the world, like water and oil, don´r really mix. Sorry, I´m a romantic too. But I woke up to the truth. The way to be safe in the world is to watch where you are and who you are with. You are all so innocent it´s almost endearing. If someone holds you up at gunpoint and demands your wallet, watch or whatever vluables you have on you, you´d better be prepared to hand them over. A gun talks. It´s a form of rape. The robber is speaking with greater strength than you. Some have been silly enough to argue or try to fight back. Many of those people are dead. Rape by a bigger, muscular man is no different. Women, unless they´re tai chi experts who can hope to gain a few moment´s surprise by catching the man off guard with a sharp martial arts kick to the gonads, and then run off, haven´t a hope in hell. Look up the statistics. Maybe that will convince you.. NO conditioning is going to stop men from raping when they want sex. It never has and never will, except in cases of spritually very evolved men One of the greatest saints, Augustine, ! prayed a famous prayer: "Oh god, make me virtuous...only just not yet"!!. A very funny line, but he wasn´t joking.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cool pic.  Dig the tense atmosphere it creates.  Sure brings back some memories.  I never even did anything to most of them, but the thrill of the hunt was enough.  So sexy and exciting to stalk out on the prowl like a male tiger eyeing its potential prey.  The best part is knowing that you can see her but she can't see you.

Monday, April 29, 2013

You radical feminists are the same as the fundamentalists in your anti-sex phobia.  You insist on making men and boys feel ashamed about their sexuality for simply acting like a normal man.  Looking at women in a lustful way is called visual harassment.  I know, I was arrested for it, a little bit more than that but that was one of the specific charges.  Talking to a woman the wrong way, like asking her out for a date when she isn't interested, is considered sexual harassment.  Hooking up with some woman in a bar is date rape because she was drunk and I have even heard it argued with a straight that ANY consumption of alcohol makes a woman incapable of informed consent.  Having sex with a physically mature teenager at her sexual peak is considered pedophilia and will put you on the sex offender registry.  I see a pretty woman passing by and I try to follow her so that I can meet her and find out about her and try to talk to her, you know normal stuff chasing girls, and she turns around and calls me a stalker.  Marcotte argued a few weeks ago that a boy asking a woman out was "creepy".  I hate that word "creepy".  I get called it all the time.  I am sick being treated like a potential rapist all the time because I am a male with a healthy libido.  Having a visible erection in my pants is not indecent exposure or sexist harassment or misogyny, it is basic biology that I have no great control over, but ever since I was 14 women have constantly tried to make me feel ashamed and guilty of my sexuality every time I dare try to express it.  It is not to much for me to demand my sexual autonomy, self-expression, and freedom.  But that is only for self-empowered women in Amanda's warped extreme feminist view.  Men aren't allowed to empower themselves sexually because that makes us "rapists" even just for looking at and talking to women. 

Women do more slut shaming than men.  They gossip all the time about what sluts the other girls are.  Ask any guy who the worst cock-blockers are and it's the girl you're hitting on's best friend.  It's like they don't want to see their friend get laid.  If I'm not getting laid and being lonely and miserable tonight, then my friend isn't either, must be their attitude. 

Why is something as sweet and fun as sex considered threatening? What a sad and twisted way of viewing the world. But a lot of people do. Society wants us to feel guilty about our bodies' desires so to better control us as human beings.
Because of feminism it is hard to find a good affordable prostitute in America these days. Score one for the anti sex brigade.

 It's not just me, just the other day another poster was talking about how his company tried him for sexual harassment for the horrible crime of asking a co-worker out.

People get treated differently because of their looks. Because I look "creepy" I get assumed to be one before I even get a chance to prove myself. Most women don't give me a fair chance solely based on their gut instinct assumptions before knowing a damn thing about me. Thank god I am not black, that would make women assuming I'm a rapist twice as worse.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rape from the rapists' views

Finally!  So many websites out there and they're all boringly telling us about rape from the "victim" point of view.  Someone had the imagination to ask how it was from the other side for once.  Tall tales from real men.  Read em and weep.


Here's what I had to say -

Yes, because I was horny, and she was being stubborn. That's all there was to it. Sometimes it's as basic as that. I stood up for my basic human rights, to be treated like a human being with dignity and real needs, not some twisted pervert to be sneered at just because I had the audacity to want a little sex. That's all I ever wanted. All I ever asked for. And guys like me get shit on because of who we are. You don't sneer at a starving man and wave a pizza in his face. Women don't know how cruel and taunting they are. Every day I have to suffer from all these girls flashing their hot bodies in my face all the time every day and if I dare even look or even try to talk to them they sneer at me like I'm some sort of pervert and sometimes even call the cops. Pigs! I am a human being and I have a right to my sexuality. My emotions will not be toyed with. My sexuality is not some sort of play thing! I am a man not a toy. Not a pervert for what biology made me. That is why I do what I do. I am taking back my power and dignity as a man. I am proclaiming that I am a human being and will not be manipulated sexually.

Yes this answer upsets some people.  Women keep trying to peddle the lie that "rape is about power, not sex" because it would be too morally troubling for them to admit that rapists are not totally evil sadists, but simply men with unsatisfied needs.  An unsatisfied hunger.  The world isn't fair and some have and some have not.  If rape is about men taking by force because of their need for sex, that makes women complicit in the game.  And it is a game.  Women think that they can play the game of coyly using sex to titillate men and revel in their sexual power, without ever having to pay the price for abusing that power.  Well, it is not a game for some of us.  Women have to take responsibility for causing rape just as much as men.  If all men were satisfied sexually, rape would never happen.  If all men were sexually normal, rape would never happen.  But women keep sex abnormal through their power and manipulation.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

History of the World



This is, like, the most AWESOME picture EVER.  Especially that first couple of panels!  That is ME bashing that dude's head in and taking me my WOMAN!  The other stuff is pretty cool too.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Hero and Idol

This is how a REAL MAN talks to bitches you give him shit!

Those rape charges were probably true (Tyson admits it) and who cares, he is the MAN! Fine-ass bitches don't invite themselves up to a man's hotel room at midnight to play Yahtzee. She knew what he wanted and what was going to happen. Couldn't handle his big-ass dick and ow-wee, it hurt!, aw you poor wittle thing.

Monday, June 20, 2011