Friday, May 27, 2011

When is Rape....Rape?

Fascinating discussion here

"Also, I'm not saying that a woman should give herself to every passer by, but if some one is so desperate that he must try to take her by force, then perhapse she can recognize his needs and fulfil them. I think it unwise to give all your food to whom ever walks by, but if a man is so hungry that he rips the sandwich from your hand and threatens you with a knife not to take it back, then I think you would realize that maybe the man needs the food more than you. I'm just saying that the woman should realize that maybe the "rapist" needs her, and she whould devout herself to helping him with his needs, be they for power, sex, or whatever strange psychology, rather than to selfishly deny herself to him, thereby encouraging the rapist behavior. The starving man will, put away his knife and stop stealing your food, the instant you release your selfish grip on it and offer it to him without fight."

Right on!  Fight the power!  Fight the power of the pussy!  Restore power to the penis!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How 2 Rape

This is important info that every man should know.  We should all learn these skills.  It is important because men have the right to use the tools and skills they have to get around the obstacles women put in their way who refuse to have sex with him.  This page I did not write.  It was written by Sam Sloan.  The page was taken down by the authorities but I am putting it back up.  Everything else in this post is a quote, I did not write it, and am republishing it as a service.

is absolutely impossible to rape a woman!At 11:12 PM 7/13/98 +0800, Abdul Hamid wrote:
>Re your photo on rape victims, I categorically state that it is absolutely impossible to rape a woman. All she need do is cross her legs tight. The poor guy will have problems in even inserting between her thighs. Try it sometime with your girlfriend. She will laugh her head off.
You are wrong. Almost any man is strong enough to rape almost any woman, without threatening her, hurting her or injuring her in any way.
The long term survival of the human race depends on this.
All he has to do is pull her legs apart and pull her legs up so that her ankles are on each side of his neck.
Then he hooks his arms under her knees and pushes forward.
It is as simple as that. It goes right in, provided only that he can maintain an erection while doing this.
Regarding my girl friend, I practice this technique on her all the time. It works.

What do you think? Express your opinion in the guestbook!

I have just finished reading your how2rape page. I have to tell you that I used to think the same way until 2 of my (boy) friends tried that on me. I told them that all I had to do was cross my legs! They had me on the floor, legs apart within seconds. I was powerless to stop them. And I saw it coming.
I can't believe that people still think this way. Rapists carry guns these days. How can you fight that?
Thanks for an eye opening site.
AshlynRain "RainyNights" ( )

Thank you for your letter.
Guns are out, because then the girl will say that he threatened her with a gun, and he will go to prison for life.
Also, the rapist should be careful not to scratch, injure or hurt the girl in any way, because then there will be evidence.
In addition, he must not put his hands around her neck, or cover her mouth, or threaten her or cause her fear of any physical injury. He is allowed to kiss her, however.
As long as the man neither threatens or injures the woman, he can almost certainly do it and get away with it.
I was originally expecting that many women would object to my HOW2RAPE page. However, the reaction has been the opposite. Women appreciate me saying this because it shows how easy it is to be raped, something which many courts refuse to believe. There has been not even one objection to my page thus far.
I would like to have permission to post your letter as an update on my web site.

Sure, go ahead. I am happy to help in any way I can.

I know that it is very easy to be raped. I learned that the hard way. I wish I could have stopped him. I was powerless. he put my ankles around his neck, and I couldn't get away. I think women need to be more aware of all the dangers cause it's something that I thought would never happen to me, but it did. It can happen to anyone.

Mr. Sloan,
I am thoroughly disgusted by your "How2rape" page. There are enough sick people in the world as it is, we don't need you giving instruction to any more. Rape is a horrible, vile thing, and I pity all the other women in the world who have had to go through it. There are many steps being taken to put a stop to this violent crime, and yet you, whoever you are, are giving directions on how to rape and then on how to get away with it. You are a sick and twisted individual. Rape is not something to joke about, and what I have read on your web page is very thoughtless and childish.

You may think your letter on how to rape a woman is great, but I was raped 3 months ago. The man who committed this crime will get away with it because he followed you directions to a perfect fit. You are right about one thing, if the man who does this to a woman does not threaten or injure the woman he will get away with it. I have only one more thing to say about your how to guide, if this ever happened to anyone you love may the world never know. I hope some day you will grow up and change your mind. Males do not and will never dominate the female population. And that my friend is what rape is about. The man will not always be in control, the woman always has something he wants, and may never get.
Feel free to contact me on this matter.

You told me to contact you if he used your guide. Well, you will be happy to know and also happy that he is getting away with it. He has been in jail for 3 months because of charges on him. I am not the only one your "friend" has done this to. Thanks to your guide he will be going home for x-mas. There was just not enough proof. I am sad to say that I hope you feel a small bit guilty. You need to realize that what you have out there is just the thing a pervert needs to really hurt somebody. I only pray that somebody you love does not go through the pain that many people have had. I hope you know that you have hurt people. if you want to talk:

From: Jessica
Date: Friday, December 11, 1998 3:11 PM
Subject: rape
You think three months is enough jail time for a man who takes something from a woman? If you don't mind me asking how old are you, because your views are that of a young male. I am sorry you don't see eye to eye with the female population that rape is bad. He did not do it because he wanted me, he did it to be in control. Rape is a crime for the males in this world who can't seem to get the control they need. I hope you are not one of those people. It is plain to see that you and I will never see eye to eye on this matter. I can only hope that one day somebody you love asks you for help with this and maybe then you will change your views.

Your site, Mr. Sloan, has got to be one of the most idiotic websites I have ever visited. Not mentioning the inaccuracy of the data you post, the outdated news stories, and the racist views you post, it is also illegal. The portion on how to rape a woman has gotten several women raped, because you have posted this handy guide. Many of the pictures you provide for your 'news stories' are fake and were manipulated on a computer. In the future, please refrain from publishing this type of horrendous websites.

Where is this "how2rape" page? I would like to know this so I know what to look out for when dating. Knowing this may help me not to get raped and I would really appreciate this. Women have to look into this stuff so they can be aware, being aware helps prevent rape.
Can you give me the address of this page.
Thank you very much

Sure. The address is
Where did you learn about this page?
I am glad you appreciate the point that the purpose of this page is not to teach men how to rape women but rather to demonstrate how easy it is to do and to alert everybody such as yourself to the dangers.
I refuse to believe that anybody has actually been raped because of my page, although there are those who are claiming that this has occurred.

Hometown: Safety for all, U.S.A.
Sent: 2:58 AM - 2/23
I read your statement on "all a woman has to do is cross her legs"... and actually had 5 male friends try it on me.
Guess what.... crossing my legs "tight" like you said
******* DID NOT - NOT --- NOT --- ***** work!
I agree with you, however that not all men that are accused are really rapists.... however, there are men that ARE.
We as women ARE TALKING TO THE MEN THAT ARE. PLEASE GET THAT STRAIGHT and then you won't get so pissed off. Do not take it personally when a woman says she was raped. Do you know why? YOU WERE NOT THERE!!!! SO HOW DARE YOU JUDGE???