Monday, April 29, 2013

You radical feminists are the same as the fundamentalists in your anti-sex phobia.  You insist on making men and boys feel ashamed about their sexuality for simply acting like a normal man.  Looking at women in a lustful way is called visual harassment.  I know, I was arrested for it, a little bit more than that but that was one of the specific charges.  Talking to a woman the wrong way, like asking her out for a date when she isn't interested, is considered sexual harassment.  Hooking up with some woman in a bar is date rape because she was drunk and I have even heard it argued with a straight that ANY consumption of alcohol makes a woman incapable of informed consent.  Having sex with a physically mature teenager at her sexual peak is considered pedophilia and will put you on the sex offender registry.  I see a pretty woman passing by and I try to follow her so that I can meet her and find out about her and try to talk to her, you know normal stuff chasing girls, and she turns around and calls me a stalker.  Marcotte argued a few weeks ago that a boy asking a woman out was "creepy".  I hate that word "creepy".  I get called it all the time.  I am sick being treated like a potential rapist all the time because I am a male with a healthy libido.  Having a visible erection in my pants is not indecent exposure or sexist harassment or misogyny, it is basic biology that I have no great control over, but ever since I was 14 women have constantly tried to make me feel ashamed and guilty of my sexuality every time I dare try to express it.  It is not to much for me to demand my sexual autonomy, self-expression, and freedom.  But that is only for self-empowered women in Amanda's warped extreme feminist view.  Men aren't allowed to empower themselves sexually because that makes us "rapists" even just for looking at and talking to women. 

Women do more slut shaming than men.  They gossip all the time about what sluts the other girls are.  Ask any guy who the worst cock-blockers are and it's the girl you're hitting on's best friend.  It's like they don't want to see their friend get laid.  If I'm not getting laid and being lonely and miserable tonight, then my friend isn't either, must be their attitude. 

Why is something as sweet and fun as sex considered threatening? What a sad and twisted way of viewing the world. But a lot of people do. Society wants us to feel guilty about our bodies' desires so to better control us as human beings.
Because of feminism it is hard to find a good affordable prostitute in America these days. Score one for the anti sex brigade.

 It's not just me, just the other day another poster was talking about how his company tried him for sexual harassment for the horrible crime of asking a co-worker out.

People get treated differently because of their looks. Because I look "creepy" I get assumed to be one before I even get a chance to prove myself. Most women don't give me a fair chance solely based on their gut instinct assumptions before knowing a damn thing about me. Thank god I am not black, that would make women assuming I'm a rapist twice as worse.