Friday, May 27, 2011

When is Rape....Rape?

Fascinating discussion here

"Also, I'm not saying that a woman should give herself to every passer by, but if some one is so desperate that he must try to take her by force, then perhapse she can recognize his needs and fulfil them. I think it unwise to give all your food to whom ever walks by, but if a man is so hungry that he rips the sandwich from your hand and threatens you with a knife not to take it back, then I think you would realize that maybe the man needs the food more than you. I'm just saying that the woman should realize that maybe the "rapist" needs her, and she whould devout herself to helping him with his needs, be they for power, sex, or whatever strange psychology, rather than to selfishly deny herself to him, thereby encouraging the rapist behavior. The starving man will, put away his knife and stop stealing your food, the instant you release your selfish grip on it and offer it to him without fight."

Right on!  Fight the power!  Fight the power of the pussy!  Restore power to the penis!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey dumbass Sam Straper, you said that raping a woman is ok and that a man raping another man is not because it involves the usage of the anus. well, men have mouths too so i guess you are saying that it is ok for a guy to rape another guy in the mouth? according to your philosophy it is the horny guy who is supposed to get what they want or need even if the person they want it from doesn't want to. Your words not mine. so by your philosophy, if some horny gay guy thinks you have a purdy mouth and wants you to suck him off and swallow, you have to do it. Once again, these are your words not mine. if you disagree then you are a hypocrite and a serious fucking loser. well you are a serious fucking loser regardless because you really need to grow up and also you need psychiatric help.