This is one of the most disgusting films ever made, and most powerful. You cannot watch this film without shaking in fear. A man is violated in the most senseless and horrific way. It is wrong. To be raped by another man is the worst possible thing that can ever happen to a man, short of death or castration. It strips away your manhood and self-esteem and leaves you a broken shell of a man. No man should ever experience such pain.
A group of city slickers go on a hunting trip in the Georgia backwoods. They meet some eerie redneck retards who play banjos and have a banjo duel. That was cool. Along the way down the river, a gang of horny homosexual rednecks lure a couple of them off the canoe. The rednecks, as well as being gay, are hideously ugly and unbathed. One of them remarks that the city slicker Ned has a pair of pretty teeth, and smiles, revealing his mouth full of putrid teeth falling apart. You wouldn't want to touch such slime-pussed pieces of filth, or even smell them, but imagine being forced to have sex with one! That's what happens.
Maybe they are gay because they can't get any women and have to rape men because there aren't any women around. Well why don't you just go and find some women to rape instead of depraving yourself to the depths of raping a man. Now some people might get their panties in a wad but fuck political correctness, let's admit some basic biological facts, that rape for men is entirely different from rape for women. Completely different experience. Women have a vagina that is meant to be penetrated. Women are meant to be penetrated. The only difference between rape and normal consensual sex is changing the three syllables of 'yes' to the two syllables of 'no'. That is the only difference. Rape is just normal sex where the woman, for whatever little whim, decides to say No. It might hurt if the guy gets violent, which I don't approve of unless necessary, but at least it's normal, natural sex. It's completely natural. It occurs in nature. In fact many women orgasm during the middle of rape and actually change their mind about it halfway through, actually enjoying it. That's why 95% of rape cases are never even brought to court. Because she feels guilty enough that she has to call it rape, but secretly enjoyed it. Maybe some lesbians don't like it because they are incapable of enjoying dicks up their vaginas (this is debatable), Maybe that's where the 5% of prosecutions mostly come from. Point is, normal natural heterosexual sex is enjoyable to most people, even if it is rape.
Man on man rape is entirely different. Men's asses are not meant to have dicks shoved up them. Even gay men have to use artificial lubrication to make it enjoyable for them, and even then anal rips and tears are one of the prices gay men have to pay for anal sex. Not that I have anything against gays or homosexuality. Nothing wrong with that if that's the way nature made your sexuality. I am just pointing out that nature didn't design men for that kind of sex. It's unnatural. It is dry sex and extremely painful. Having anything shoved up your ass is painful. There is often bleeding.
Now that's the physical pain. Let's talk about the psychological pain. Unless you are gay, heterosexual sex is normal. To be assualted in that sexual way violates your body. The feeling of lack of control, of being under someone else's power, is extremely disempowering and scary. You can't get up or move because you're being pinned down. It is an extremely invasive procedure. For the rest of your life, you suffer the "phantom dick" phenomenon. You reach behind and can still feel that evil dick in your ass. It's a feeling that never goes away. What a terrible thing, to have the memory of another man's dick haunting your ass.
Anyway, Ned Beatty is rescued by Burt Reynolds and they escape to civilization. End of story.
1 comment:
hey dumbass Sam Straper, you said that raping a woman is ok and that a man raping another man is not because it involves the usage of the anus. well, men have mouths too so i guess you are saying that it is ok for a guy to rape another guy in the mouth? according to your philosophy: it is the horny guy who is supposed to get what they want or need even if the person they want it from doesn't want to have sex with that person. Your words not mine. so by your philosophy, if some horny gay guy thinks you have a purdy mouth and wants you to suck him off and swallow, you have to do it. Once again, these are your words not mine.
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