Monday, April 29, 2013

You radical feminists are the same as the fundamentalists in your anti-sex phobia.  You insist on making men and boys feel ashamed about their sexuality for simply acting like a normal man.  Looking at women in a lustful way is called visual harassment.  I know, I was arrested for it, a little bit more than that but that was one of the specific charges.  Talking to a woman the wrong way, like asking her out for a date when she isn't interested, is considered sexual harassment.  Hooking up with some woman in a bar is date rape because she was drunk and I have even heard it argued with a straight that ANY consumption of alcohol makes a woman incapable of informed consent.  Having sex with a physically mature teenager at her sexual peak is considered pedophilia and will put you on the sex offender registry.  I see a pretty woman passing by and I try to follow her so that I can meet her and find out about her and try to talk to her, you know normal stuff chasing girls, and she turns around and calls me a stalker.  Marcotte argued a few weeks ago that a boy asking a woman out was "creepy".  I hate that word "creepy".  I get called it all the time.  I am sick being treated like a potential rapist all the time because I am a male with a healthy libido.  Having a visible erection in my pants is not indecent exposure or sexist harassment or misogyny, it is basic biology that I have no great control over, but ever since I was 14 women have constantly tried to make me feel ashamed and guilty of my sexuality every time I dare try to express it.  It is not to much for me to demand my sexual autonomy, self-expression, and freedom.  But that is only for self-empowered women in Amanda's warped extreme feminist view.  Men aren't allowed to empower themselves sexually because that makes us "rapists" even just for looking at and talking to women. 

Women do more slut shaming than men.  They gossip all the time about what sluts the other girls are.  Ask any guy who the worst cock-blockers are and it's the girl you're hitting on's best friend.  It's like they don't want to see their friend get laid.  If I'm not getting laid and being lonely and miserable tonight, then my friend isn't either, must be their attitude. 

Why is something as sweet and fun as sex considered threatening? What a sad and twisted way of viewing the world. But a lot of people do. Society wants us to feel guilty about our bodies' desires so to better control us as human beings.
Because of feminism it is hard to find a good affordable prostitute in America these days. Score one for the anti sex brigade.

 It's not just me, just the other day another poster was talking about how his company tried him for sexual harassment for the horrible crime of asking a co-worker out.

People get treated differently because of their looks. Because I look "creepy" I get assumed to be one before I even get a chance to prove myself. Most women don't give me a fair chance solely based on their gut instinct assumptions before knowing a damn thing about me. Thank god I am not black, that would make women assuming I'm a rapist twice as worse.


Anonymous said...

It's not your looks that make you creepy, dude. It's the fact that you have a blog and Facebook page that purely talks about how you much you desire to rape women, and how women are just objects to you. There are plenty of guys who are able to control themselves. The fact that you can't makes you disgusting, pathetic, and creepy. Hopefully the women in your life carry mace or some sort of weapon. You may not want to admit it, because (lets face it) it would mean that your theory of women being used purely as sex objects is a lie, and that you forcing them to fuck your nasty, women hating ass is considered rape and not just some biological right, but not all women are cock teases. Not all women are going around just to make you feel bad about your sexuality. Get the fuck over yourself, bitch. Maybe see a therapist too.

Anonymous said...

Umm, pretty sure people treat you differently because you come across as a woman-hating rapist with no self control. Sex can seem threatening when it isn't wanted by the victim because it completely destroys them. It makes them feel completely helpless while a disgusting rapist like you feel "satisfied" and doesn't care about the mental, emotional, and physical damage you've done to that person both in that moment of your selfishness, and in their future. You're gross, not because of the way you look, but because of your personality and the way you think. You need to get castrated or be put in some sort of institution.

Anonymous said...

You misogynistic fuck. Females are not on this earth to serve you or satisfy your sexual needs. You honestly believe that women owe it to you to have sex with you just because you want it? You’re a creep and a pervert. Yes, I’ll say it again. CREEP. PERVERT. Just because a woman dresses up and looks attractive does not mean that you can rape her. How can you even make that connection? Yes, sex is a natural part of life, but only when it is consensual. And that also doesn’t mean that every woman that walks by you that you want to have sex with SHOULD. You are not entitled to have sex with a woman just because she sexually arouses you. It’s your right to have sex with a woman, whenever you want it? Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are? To quote YOUR words: “Let's talk about the psychological pain. To be assaulted in that sexual way violates your body. The feeling of lack of control, of being under someone else's power, is extremely disempowering and scary.” Exactly. Rape is the act of violating a person sexually and against their will. And no, just because it is hetero sex and therefore “natural” sex, it does not make it any less worse. You act like all women are just supposed to drop their panties for men who find them attractive. That’s not the way the world works and you seriously need to get off your high horse and start treating women with respect. It is not a game or a power struggle, it’s fucking common sense.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the butthurt rage in these comments.

Blueberrymaiden said...

This one is a bit meh. I can see why it's frustrating to some, it kinda makes it too much like other media where hurting women is encouraged (news talking about suspects' lives are ruined but not giving enough details on the passed out underaged chick and others saying she basically got what she deserved even if she was drunk and they could have murdered her at that point when they kidnapped her unconscious person and no one around thought anything was wrong. kids are weird.)

Yes a lot of people (m/f) do the slut shaming thing, and it's silly really, all you have to do is go 'so what' just like with any bullying (including women telling you you're creepy, or hairy - I wanted to hate all men and the rare skinnier than me chicks or ones without thick dark hair on arms and legs - until I thought about it more. I'm comfortable with how I look now, so I don't get upset when the random guy/gal isn't happy with my appearance, and that is a big part of it in so many things. Looking too girly/boyish or not enough, etc. I still don't understand the bullyish need to cut ppl you don't even know, though. *shrug*)

Now, if we could just get this upset over unnecessary cock cutting (without medical reason, so about 99.9% from the men I've spoken about it to), that would be great. Thnk about all the sensation you're giving up. Why would a parent do that to their son if they are educated about it? Should be his CHOICE.

That shit is sensitive skin, probably more important than outer pussy lips, and I don't see anyone calling for that to be chopped off. Fuck that jazz.

Maybe add in some religion (maybe as part of the problem for 'teh womenz' not being able express their sexuality) or maybe some backstory with the Sam guy getting some phrases from a childhood caretaker (sorta like Dexter's father - helping him learn how to control his urges and get away with it when he can't) or not, Sam learning most things on his own is still a fun idea.

Your site is fine. Very good writing, both the erotica and the humor reviews (especially the Evil Dead one, haha short and sweet) are very skilled and made my day. Like 3 times in a row. (Maybe think about self publishing on amazon/kindle, I am thnking about this myself, after I clean up my own fetlife stories to where I want them.)

It's very fascinating that your stuff is so easy to believe (the details definitely do it), you even had me on first impression.
Major kudos there.
FYI, rape jokes don't bother me, they're understood to be ridiculous. "When is it okay to tell a rape joke? When it's funny, of course."
Maybe it's fun to experiment with how far, and get the intense reactions, but even I am a bit tired of the 'you wouldn't tease a starving person with a burger' bit.

A bit tedious there, IMO.
I can deal and live with just masturbating if I absolutely have to(1 painful year without husband when I had to do work stuffs. fetlife helped), despite the Patrick Swayze hair some of those Afghans (the ones that enjoyed bathing, haha kidding, kinda) were rockin' (trust me it was hard, esp. after being used to having easy access to my own man, like a doggy with her bone).
It's closer to eating sweets in front of a person on a strict diet.

That beautiful, beautiful eclair all fancied up in that display, how can I resist??? And someone tells me to box it up or THEY'RE going to eat it? Bullshit, I'm gonna eat it when I'm good and ready. If you don't like the way she's dressed, then look away, it's my public restaurant too, bish. :D Get yer own. Sweet nakedy eclair, don't be ashamed of yourself! It will be a spring wedding... I got married in my street clothes (jeans, shirt) in my real marriage - everyone just dealt with it, let my sister be the one to have a family wedding if she wants, and you are already perfect, so why wait, let's do it now! *chomp!*

Anonymous said...

In case this helps anyone:

Very good for anyone trying to express how they feel about their sex shit. Much more fun when BOTH partners are honest and communicating, rather than just feeling obligated and thinking that sex is supposed to be that way.
Fuck that, sex is supposed to be FUN! For both partners, whether role-playing about consent or not.

And just in case anyone is confused about erotica like this, it's role play, not real shit, so if you're thinking your girlfriend/boyfriend should just go along with something you read (for shit's sake!) just remember "Safe, Sane, Consensual" are the basics to follow for kinky fun.

Lots of knowledge available on sites like Cait's Basement (lovely fuzzy graphic on front page) or Lorelei if you are interested in more infos.

Most people are very conscious about safety in their play. For me, lack of safety ruins everything, and is a huge turnoff. I'd much rather 'miss my chance' on a night of fun for myself, rather than hurting my partner even by accident by not knowing when to stop.
Plenty of sites also have advice on carrying out the 'stranger rape' fantasy so you don't end up in the news after getting shot at, when an ex-boyfriend poses as his ex-girl to invite strangers over to her place.

At least get her to confirm on voice chat even if she doesn't want to hear YOUR voice until the 'scene.'
I really want to feel bad for them, as I can actually almost see how they didn't think they did anything wrong, but it's what they DIDN'T do that is the problem - verify the info beyond chat texts (well they certainly didn't do it right, that's for sure, and it isn't worth going to prison and scaring the chick into thinking you're there to actually kill and/or rape her, or worse you actually do it thinking she's just a really really good actor as unlikely as that is. I still can't pull that off, I'd be smiling and stuff).

Making her say a certain phrase when you arrive at her house and not starting until then, for example, (like a passphrase like 'how do u like your cream?' where she's probably not going to answer 'dripping down my tits' if it's the wrong person... she's probably going to be more 'who the fack are you and go away' if you made a mistake. Then she says 'just kidding, 'dripping down my tits' is fine, but the look on your face is priceless!)

You can still do the whole 'slamming unlocked door in their face' routine AFTER the passphrase or whatever is confirmed.

Or just have a safeword, and have her confirm the safeword before you get started (since obviously if she's a stranger she's not going to say the safeword ever if she's not in on it and doesnt know what you're doing there).